Monthly Review: COVID-19 and Circuits of Capital
Guardian: Gas stoves making indoor air up to five times dirtier than outdoor air,” with quotes by Colorado PSR member, Brady Anne Seals, and SF Bay PSR President Dr. Robert Gould
Sonoma Medicine Magazine, page 21: “Climate Change, Public Health, and ‘Green’ Medicine” by Dr. Mary Williams
Island Press, on Medium: “Approving new fracking projects in the middle of a pandemic? Bad idea.” By PSR members Dr. Amanda Millstein and Dr. Robert Dodge
JUNE 3, 2020 View original newsletter email END POLICE VIOLENCE San Francisco Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility joins with National PSR and other local chapters in condemning the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others who have been killed simply for “living while Black.” Like many people around ...