SUCCESS: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Drops Plan to Deregulate Rad-Waste Disposal

SF Bay PSR joined PSR-LA, Committee to Bridge the Gap, and Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility and collectively we were able to push the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to drop the plan to deregulate radioactive waste disposal. See more details and links below. For Immediate Release:  Friday, December 18, 2020 Contact:  Jeff Ruch (PEER) (510) 213-7028; ...

SUCCESS: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Drops Plan to Deregulate Rad-Waste Disposal2021-01-04T16:54:19-08:00

Farewell to a friend and mentor: H. Jack Geiger, 1925-2020

When I met Jack Geiger in 1987, he was already legendary. One of the founders of Physicians for Social Responsibility and a co-author—along with Vic Sidel, Bernard Lown, and others—of a series of groundbreaking articles about the medical consequences of nuclear war published by the New England Journal of Medicine in 1962, he had just finished his ...

Farewell to a friend and mentor: H. Jack Geiger, 1925-20202021-01-04T13:34:24-08:00
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