Yes, that is PSR-LA’s Executive Director Martha Dina Argüello to the right of Governor Newsom!

OCTOBER 23, 2024

First, a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who signed letters, sent emails, and made calls! Every action matters!

SF Bay PSR advocated for the following bills this year as they moved through all the legislative committees, the California Assembly and Senate, to eventually land on the Governor’s desk.

What did Governor Newsom Sign and Veto?


AB 1992 (Boerner) Coastal resources: Blue/Teal Carbon Demonstration Projects
AB 2214 (Bauer-Kahan) Ocean Protection Council: microplastics
AB 2401 (Ting) Clean Cars 4 All Program 

SB 1374 would have let schools and apartment buildings make their own solar energy. Vetoing this bill effectively blocks schools and apartment buildings from making their own solar energy. It means these consumers must buy all of their electricity from the utility, even if they have solar panels on their roofs. 

READ HERE about utilities lies about reasons for rate increases.

LEARN MORE from Solar Rights Alliance about the next steps in the long battle for more rooftop solar in California.

AB 2513 would have required gas stoves in California come with a warning label about the health risks associated with gas cooking, so consumers can make informed purchasing decisions for their family. Despite decades of the studies about the health harms of gas stoves, lack of education and federal regulations leave consumers largely unaware of the risks associated with gas stove cooking.

SB 1047 would have helped to protect the health and safety of Californians and the world against the risks of AI technology. Major AI corporations acknowledge the potential risks of advanced AI. Experts estimate a concerning 1 in 6 chance of AI causing catastrophic harm. We can’t rely on self-regulation. SB-1047 would have provided necessary oversight without hindering innovation. It aligns with California’s reputation for prioritizing global welfare.
text for space
text for space
We can see already that the uncontrolled expansion of AI, with its insatiable appetite for electricity, is providing justification for rapidly developing new and untested models of nuclear power plants, as well as reactivating old and dangerous facilities such as Three Mile Island.


We have reasons to celebrate!

Make Polluters Pay Bills!!!
This set of bills will significantly help to protect community health from oil and gas pollution.
AB 1866 (Hart) Oil and gas: idle wells: Plugging Idle Oil Wells
AB 3233 (Addis) Oil and gas: operations: restrictions: local authority
AB 2716 (Bryan) Baldwin Hills Oil Field plugging low production wells/fines

SB 1221 will enable up to 30 neighborhoods slated for expensive fossil fuel pipeline projects to have the opportunity to opt for free electrification upgrades instead.

SB 1053 (Allen, Blakespear) Bans plastic bags at stores
AB 1042 (Bauer-Kahan) Pesticides: Regulate seeds treated with pesticides 
AB 1465 (Wicks) Non-vehicular air pollution: civil penalties 
SB 1304 (Limón) Underground injection control: aquifer exemption 

HERE is a complete list of the bills that Newsom signed and vetoed.

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