Health Professionals and allies in the San Francisco Bay Area Joined the National Day of Action Calling on President Biden to Stop Construction of Line 3 Fossil-Fuel Pipeline!

Health Professionals Say Climate Change is a Health Crisis and Line 3 Threatens Our Air, Water, and Future Generations. August 17, 2021, a group of 15 health professionals and allies in San Francisco came together peacefully in front of the SF Army Corp of Engineers San Francisco headquarters to stand in solidarity with Indigenous and ...

Health Professionals and allies in the San Francisco Bay Area Joined the National Day of Action Calling on President Biden to Stop Construction of Line 3 Fossil-Fuel Pipeline!2022-02-03T15:04:18-08:00

BIG NEWS! BAAQMD voted to reduce air pollution and protect community health in the Bay Area!

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Board of Directors voted on July 21 to further reduce particulate matter emissions from petroleum refineries with a yes vote for Regulation 6, Rule 5: Particulate Emissions from Refinery Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Units. The rule is now the most health-protective and stringent regulation of its kind in the ...

BIG NEWS! BAAQMD voted to reduce air pollution and protect community health in the Bay Area!2021-07-22T12:54:01-07:00

SUPPORTED SB 582 the Climate Emergency Mitigation, Climate Safe Restoration, and Just Resilience Act of 2021

SUPPORTED SB 582 the Climate Emergency Mitigation, Climate Safe Restoration, and Just Resilience Act of 2021: Signed the Climate Center’s organizational sign on letter in support of SB 582, a bill which strengthens state climate policy by increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets from 40% below 1990 levels by 2030 to a higher threshold for ...

SUPPORTED SB 582 the Climate Emergency Mitigation, Climate Safe Restoration, and Just Resilience Act of 20212021-05-13T15:18:56-07:00

UPDATE: SB 467 Ban Fracking and Other Destructive Oil Extraction Methods and to Require Distance Between Oil Extraction and Homes and Schools

UPDATE May 13, 2021: SF Bay PSR SUPPORTED SB 467: This bill would have banned fracking and created set backs from oil wells to protect communities nearby. But it did not advance through the committee process. We are grateful to VISION-CA for their community-led leadership on this bill and remain committed to passing legislation that ...

UPDATE: SB 467 Ban Fracking and Other Destructive Oil Extraction Methods and to Require Distance Between Oil Extraction and Homes and Schools2021-05-13T15:20:14-07:00

SUPPORTED: Signed organizational letter in support of the Orphan Wells Cleanup and Jobs Act of 2021

SUPPORTED: Signed organizational letter in support of the Orphan Wells Cleanup and Jobs Act of 2021, introduced by Representative Leger Fernandez. This legislation will create jobs through a new program for the plugging, remediation, and inventory of orphaned wells on federal, tribal, state, and private lands by strengthening federal oil and gas bonding requirements and ...

SUPPORTED: Signed organizational letter in support of the Orphan Wells Cleanup and Jobs Act of 20212021-05-13T14:59:36-07:00

SUPPORTED methane regulation petition to the EPA

SUPPORTED methane regulation petition to the EPA: Signed the Climate Law Institute, Center for Biological Diversity petition to EPA to regulate methane and ethane as volatile organic compounds under the Clean Air Act. If successful, this petition will meaningfully cut methane and ethane emissions from the fossil fuel industry, which are precursors to smog. In ...

SUPPORTED methane regulation petition to the EPA2021-05-13T14:58:43-07:00

SUPPORTED AB 1346: calls for a ban on the use of combustion-powered landscape equipment in CA by January 2024.

SUPPORTED AB 1346: San Francisco Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility calls for a ban on the use of combustion-powered landscape equipment in CA by January 2024. The bill is being heard in committee this week. Bravo to David Bezanson, SF Bay PSR Environmental Health committee member for his efforts on this bill.

SUPPORTED AB 1346: calls for a ban on the use of combustion-powered landscape equipment in CA by January 2024.2021-05-13T14:57:37-07:00

UPDATE: California Building Decarbonization Package: SB 30, SB 31, SB 32 & SB 37

SUPPORTED: California Building Decarbonization Package: SB 30, SB 31, SB 32 & SB 37 (Cortese). May 13, 2021: There are no hearing dates yet for these bill proposals. SB 32 was sent to Senate Governance and Finance on April 15. SB 31 went to Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications on April 19. The California Air ...

UPDATE: California Building Decarbonization Package: SB 30, SB 31, SB 32 & SB 372021-05-13T14:56:42-07:00

SIGNED: Letter to advocate for Governor Newsom to appoint California Transportation Commissioners who embrace 21st-century equitable, decentralized, clean energy system concepts.

SIGNED: Letter to advocate for Governor Newsom to appoint California Transportation Commissioners who embrace 21st-century equitable, decentralized, clean energy system concepts. This little-known body has enormous power over how California spends its transportation dollars, but it has traditionally been very auto oriented and the Commissioners, until very recently, almost never had backgrounds in transportation policy ...

SIGNED: Letter to advocate for Governor Newsom to appoint California Transportation Commissioners who embrace 21st-century equitable, decentralized, clean energy system concepts.2021-02-23T12:16:16-08:00
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